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Whittington Moor Nursery and Infant Academy

Whittington MoorNursery and Infant Academy

We nurture, we thrive, we blossom.

Growth of every child.Respect by learning from each other.Opportunity for all.Wonder and curiosity.

Autumn 2

This term in Oak Class in English at the start of the term we looked at writing a non-fiction report about animals hibernating. Then we used the story ‘Meerkat Christmas’ and wrote about Sunny and his adventures we then wrote a postcard from Sunny on his hunt for the perfect Christmas. In history we learnt about the role of the monarch and compared what life was like in the times of Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II. We then had to invent our own rules we would create if we were the Queen or King. In maths we have been learning the properties and differences between 2D and 3D shapes. In science we have been learning about materials, looking at similar objects made from different materials and why they are not all made from the same material. We have investigated different materials to see which would be best for use in the rain. In RE we have been learning about who is Jewish and what do Jewish people believe. In PSHE we have been talking about stereotypes and how we are all individuals and unique and can like all different things but still be friends. In PE we have been working on creating a dance based on an explorer’s journey, had a fantastic time at forest school and in music enjoyed again playing the glockenspiels to a new song called ‘Ho Ho Ho’ and learning new songs for the Christmas Nativity. In DT we learnt how to make the slider and lever mechanisms and then used these to make a Christmas card using our chosen mechanism. Our artist of the term was Vincent Van Gogh and we used charcoal and pastels to create our own versions inspired by his Starry Nights picture and our music genres have been Classical in November and Funk in December. The term finished off very busy with lots of exciting activities such as Christmas dinner, Christmas disco, Christmas craft day, watching and online Panto and Santa visiting us a school and a fabulous performance in the Nativity ‘We Three Kings’.