Autumn 1
Autumn 1
In all the madness of Covid-19 it has been an absolute pleasure to teach your children this half term. You should all be extremely proud of them. I for one have enjoyed every second. In Literacy, we have built bridges for the three Billy Goats Gruff, painted pictures of the Troll, made super hero masks, practised writing our names, made our own pirate eye patches and made treasure maps for pesky Pirates.
Maths we have focussed on really trying to understand numbers 1-5. The Number blocks have helped us with this. World Maths Day was great fun learning all sorts of maths songs and rhymes. Nursery children have also enjoyed capacity work filling different size bottles and experimenting with tubes and tried to solve maths puzzles. Our outdoor water wall has been a hit too!
I have to thank you for your support with Outdoor Friday learning and learning outdoors in general as this is much safer for children and staff during the pandemic. It’s great that you embrace this as your child comes out of Nursery covered in mud! At least you know that they are exploring the world around them in our wonderful garden area by hunting mini-beasts, playing in the mud kitchen and making dens, even sometimes climbing trees!! By being Outdoors your child learns a wide range of skills including freedom to explore, at the same time being able to take their learning in whatever direction they wish.
This half term’s over-riding focus has been to make sure your child feels happy and secure in school. We have introduced the feelings board where your child can put their picture next to an image of how they are feeling. The children do this daily and this has worked extremely well.
Once again, thank you for your continued support!