Autumn 2
In this half of the autumn term we have been getting on with lots of fun learning. In Maths we have been completing addition and subtraction strategies and also learning all about shape. We are now able to discuss 2D shapes such as circle, rectangle, triangle, square, pentagon and hexagon. We have also discussed 3D shapes such as cube, cuboid, cylinder, sphere, cone and pyramid. Why not see what different shaped packaging or objects you can find in your homes?
In English we have been learning all about Florence Griffith-Joyner and Jessica Ennis-Hill to write biographies about them. Did you know that Flo-Jo is still the fastest female 100m runner in the world… even after 35 years? We then went on to research and write a report about toys and games in the past. We had great fun playing with lots of toys that people used to play with over the past 100 years. We have also written and posted our letters to Santa, so here’s hoping… fingers crossed! In P.E we have been looking at how to throw with hand-eye co-ordination and accuracy as well as using our hands to roll balls and score points. In music we have been dancing, singing and making music by playing glockenspiels. We have learned to follow a steady beat and know that this is also called finding the pulse. In Computing we have been painting digitally, trying to recreate some world famous artistic works on the iPads using a variety of digital tools on Paintz-App. In D&T lessons we have been looking at different structures and how we can make them stable and strong by using different methods e.g. tubes, folding and using triangular shapes. We made paper stronger by making tubes and concertinas to see how many biscuits it would hold. Our 'Artist of the Term' was Vincent van Gogh. We recreated his famous painting 'Starry Night' using pencil and pastels. In RE we have been learning about sacred places and looking at Churches, Synagogues and Mosques. In science we have been looking at the seasonal change of winter and what the weather is like in the UK in winter. We have also been exploring materials learning about melting and freezing when the snow arrived, and about floating and sinking. We have also investigated objects that absorb and do not absorb water. We’ve had great fun investigating! In history we have been learning about how children lived in the past from 1930 onwards and comparing the lives of children in the past to our own lives in 2020s. We even baked a cake using a 1970s school recipe. It was delicious! Did you know that in the 1930s-50s children washed in a tin bath in front of the fire and most toilets were outside in the garden?!
Lastly, we’ve had great fun taking part in all sorts of extra Christmas activities, from visits by Santa, to craft day, to making Christmas cards and taking part in performances. This half term has been fantastic!