Spring 2 - Superheroes
Curriculum Overview - Superheroes
This summer term our topic has been Superheroes and in our home corner we have been creating our own super stories, using props and characters. In Literacy we have created our own superhero and villain and then wrote a story about their adventures. We also wrote and followed instructions to make a jam sandwich. In Design and Technology we designed and made our own pizza, in Art we made a costume and mask for our superhero and looked at Pop Art created by Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein and made our own versions. In RE and PSHCE we acted out play situations how we would behave if a new person joined our class or someone was hurt in the playground. In Numeracy, we have been learning how to draw arrays to multiply and how to share numbers to divide, how to find fractions of shapes and amounts and are beginning to use our new ‘sweet shop’ to help us independently select our own resources to solve a numeracy problem. We all dressed in red clothes for Comic Relief and dressed up again on World Book Day as different book characters. We had fun visiting all the different classes and completing activities based round the books, The Selfish Crocodile, Fantastic Mr Fox, Aliens in Underpants and Jack and the Beanstalk. To finish off our last topic, we had a trip to Tesco and learnt all about where the food comes from and how it is made. To complete our topic we had ‘Superhero’ day! We made yummy crispy buns, used our pizza design to make a superhero pizza and used the potatoes we had brought in to make our own ‘Supertato’. What a fun day we all had!