Autumn 1
We have had a such a busy half term back! The children have settled in well and are following our rules and routines. We have had lots of fun making our own self portrait collages. We looked in mirrors to see which what we would need for different parts of our face. In phonics we have been using our voice sounds, played lots of listening games and played Bertha the bus goes to the zoo. In Maths we have explored 1, 2 and, 3 in lots of different ways, we have done some clever matching, sorting and also explored shapes and named them. In PE we have been working on making lots of shapes and balances and learning to be safe when using the apparatus. We also made some amazing artwork based on the artist of the month Wassily Kandinsky. Well done to our brilliant Nursery children you have done so well! Have a lovely half term and we will see you when we are back on Monday 6th November.