Autumn 1
We have had a busy first half term back at Nursery! All of our new children have settled well and are getting used to our rules and routines. We have done lots of learning about our families making our own house pictures along with making our own self portrait collages. In Maths we have explored 1 and 2 in lots of different ways, we have done some clever matching, sorting and also explored shapes and named them. In phonics we have been using our voice sounds and played Bertha the bus goes to the zoo. We have learnt how to take photos on the ipad as part of our learning in ICT. In PE we have been working on making lots of shapes and balances and learning to be safe when using the apparatus. We also made decorations for the Queen and made pictures for our artist of the term Henri Matisse. Well done to our brilliant Nursery children! Have a lovely half term and we will see you when we are back on Monday 31st October.