Summer 2 - Sensational Safari
What a busy final term in Yellow class. Our topic has been ‘Sensational Safari’. In Literacy we have looked at a range of books including Ronald the Rhino and Handa’s Surprise which led us to trying all the fruits in the book including a few more... 17 different fruits! In Numeracy we have been telling the time to the o’clock, half past, and looking at numbers to 100 using tens and ones as well as revisiting work we have done on shapes. In art and D.T. we have created African animal silhouettes and made African style necklaces. We found out about different countries in Africa particularly Kenya and about the animals and people who live there. In RE we have been look at the difference between rituals and routines. In Science we looked at food chains, conducted an experiment using all our senses to solve the mystery and had to work out how to balance our own Toy Story Forky characters. We all had a fantastic day at Yorkshire Wildlife Park as well as seeing all the animals we had a workshop and learnt about all the different animal in the park. Enjoy the summer.