Spring 1 - Homes
This term`s topic in Blue Class has been all about Homes.
We began by going out to sketch the old cottages at the back of our school, including as much detail as we could in the pencil drawings. Back in class we investigated what these homes would have been like inside 100 years ago. We set up a display of old household items such as a flat iron, bedpan,washboard, weighing scales; and compared them with what we use today. We have learned how to make tea using tea leaves and how long it took to do the washing!
In Science we have investigated the natural and man made materials these household items are made from. Investigations have focused on how we can change materials - for example bread to toast and water to ice, and predicted if we could reverse the changes. We drew a flow chart to show how wood can be made into paper.
In I.C.T we have used art programmes to design pictures of homes in the styles of pointillism, mondrian and Picasso.
In Maths we constructed 3D shapes using nets and used them to design houses on BATs day. Our aim is to design our own 3D map with them.
Once again we have enjoyed having the Rugger Eds Team in, this time to teach us the different Paralympic sports.