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Whittington Moor Nursery and Infant Academy

Whittington MoorNursery and Infant Academy

We nurture, we thrive, we blossom.

Growth of every child.Respect by learning from each other.Opportunity for all.Wonder and curiosity.

Autumn 1

What a great start the children have had in Birch Class. The children have settled in so quickly and are already producing fantastic work! The children have loved learning and developing their skills and knowledge through groups sessions and play as well as through different stories such as ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’, ‘Owl Babies’, ‘The Worrysaurus’, ‘The Squirrels that Squabbled’, ‘It’s ok to be different’ and many more. In the different areas in the classroom, we have had lots of opportunities to retell the stories by making finger puppets and role play and we have been using familiar phrases from the stories.

In literacy we have been sequencing stories, predicting what will happen next, as well as labelling pictures, including our body parts. In phonics, we have been learning new phonemes and the corresponding graphemes, listening to the sounds in words and working really hard to sound talk and blend new words.

In maths we have looked at counting objects and matching them to the correct numeral. As well as sorting objects into different groups and comparing them. We have been further developing our subitising and counting skills and have explored the composition of numbers within 5.  

In our understanding the world lessons, we have been learning all about our 5 senses, finding about our different families and remembering when we were babies and comparing how different we are now. In RE we learnt about what happens at a Christian Baptism and learnt the story of The Wise Man and The Foolish Man.

We have also been working on our Personal, Social and Emotion development through circle times and stories. We really enjoy singing our song – ‘Together as One’. We discussed how it feels to belong and that we are similar and different. We also looked at how we can manage our feelings and why it is good to use kind hands.

In our PE lessons we have been practising how to be a champion gymnast. Learning how to move higher, lower, over and under a range of apparatus.

In our music lessons, we have enjoyed listening to different styles of music such as pop and jazz and learning to make our own music using different musical instruments. We made self-portraits using loose parts and even had a go at producing our own Matisse inspired art work!


Thank you very much for your support this term.