Autumn 2
Our book focus for literacy was ‘Last Stop on Market Street’ in which we followed the journey of CJ and his Nana as they travelled from church, through town to help at a soup kitchen. This gave us the opportunity to write sentences with nouns, verbs and adjectives and we even included dialogue, similes and alliteration. To finish off our literacy we used the poem ’10 things in a wizard’s pocket’, Miss Corbett then wrote her own version called ‘10 things found in a teacher’s drawer’ and from this we were inspired to write our own versions called ‘5 things we find in Santa’s sack. After editing and rewriting them we performed them to the rest of the class. In Maths we have covered the addition and subtraction unit looking at one more and less and solving number sentences to compare statements and finished of with a week looking at 2D and 3D shapes. In Computing we have been using the Scratch Jr app and have learnt how to use lots of the blocks to control our characters. Through reordering and testing our sequence we could see if it worked or we have to debug and correct it. The first steps in coding!! In Art and Design we have been drawing animals and have used H and B pencils. Through practicing different drawing techniques and using shading, tone and pattern we could redraw our animals and improve our work. In Science we learnt about animals including humans, we labelled the parts of the body and discovered what they eat and what a carnivore, herbivore and omnivore are. We got to have a virtual visit with Knowsley Safari Park where we learnt about what the different animals eat and could ask the zoo keepers our own questions. In RE we looked at how different religions celebrate special and sacred times and how light is used in lots of festivals such as Hanukkah, Christmas and Diwali. A very busy end of the term saw us watch a virtual Panto, have Christmas lunch, a Christmas craft day and a Christmas party. We will all be ready for a rest in the holidays! Thank you for all your support this term. Have a wonderful Christmas and I will see you all in 2021!