Summer 2
This final term in Oak Class in English and history we have learnt about Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell and their contributions to nursing and wrote persuasive letters to convince Miss Kay who made the biggest contribution. We also learnt about how Dr Sarah Gilbert has helped medicine and compare the 2020 lockdown with Eyam. In maths we have looked at using and making pictograms, tables and tally and have been describing where objects are using positional language and directions. In PSHE we have been talking about changes – changes in our body, changes as we grow and change and how we can cope with changes. In music we have been writing and composing our own piece of music and then performing it as a group and in computing we have been using scratch Jr app. In PE we have been running races, jumping hurdles and the relay ready for sports day and we have been sequencing different jumps in pairs or small groups to make a sequence. In DT we have been finding how different fruits and vegetables grow and in what counties and made our own salad and fruit salad. In science we have continued looked at life cycles and watched our own caterpillars develop into pupas and then into butterflies. We also learnt about how wildlife can help us and we can help the wildlife. We planned a whole school picnic and created art based on the style of Banksy using stencils and paint. We finished off the term with a trip to Twycross Zoo, a fabulous afternoon tea and a super leavers assembly. Hope you all have a wonderful summer and have fun in Year 3!