Autumn 1 - Good to be me!
Curriculum Overview - Good to be me!
Our first home corner was a doctor’s surgery and the class all enjoyed being the Doctor, nurse or a very poorly patient. In Literacy we have been looking at traditional and fairy tale stories and have retold them, reviewed them and acted them out using puppets and props. In Numeracy this term we have spent time measuring using cubes, decimetre strips to measure our friends and rulers to measure our feet and objects around the room. We also cut out lots of shapes from playdoh and cut them in half to see if they are symmetrical. In our topic lessons we have been looking at festivals around the country and we made our own Derbyshire well dressings as a group and for BATS day our super grown-ups helped us to make well dressing faces. In Art and DT the children made their own pop up card and gift bag. We also drew self-portraits and portraits of our friends. In Science we have all been learning about humans while Year 2 explored healthy meals and the importance of exercise, Year 1 and became sense detectives to use all their senses to solve the mystery of the missing teddy bear!