Spring 1
This term Birch Class had lots of fun learning lots of exciting new things.
This term in Birch Class we have had a Science focus and we investigated different materials. We sorted the materials into different categories such as plastic, wood, fabric and metal. The children found items from around the classroom and discussed their properties to decide which category it belongs. We also explored natural and man-made materials and sorted objects into these two categories. We investigated which material would be best for an outfit to keep us warm in the winter and conducted an experiment to find the results.
We had lots of fun in PE learning new balances and using the different equipment. In Music we have been listening to different types of music and finding the pulse, we also played the Glockenspiel in time to the music. The artist of the term was Edward Tingatinga and we created our own art work inspired by his piece. The Reception Children have had their balance bike sessions. We all had a go at riding a balance bike and a pedal bike, the children were fantastic!
We enjoyed staying at school to have a bedtime story in our pjs and a lovely cup of hot chocolate.