Autumn 1- Marvellous Me
Welcome to Red class. We have had lots of fun this term settling into full time school and getting to know our new friends. We have been busy learning all the rules and routines as well as exploring the different areas of Red class. Our topic Marvellous Me has meant that we have been learning all about our bodies and enjoyed measuring ourselves and the different bones using tape measures. We have been looking at the food we need to help keep us healthy and explored weighing the different vegetables as part of our work on Oliver’s Vegetables. We loved taking part in our first ever Harvest Festival at the Church.
This term has seen us celebrate BBC World Music Day. We were so excited to compose and perform a piece of music to a story. We explored rhythm on a range of instruments and performed in front of the rest of the school as part of our special assembly.
We know that next term will be just as busy and exiting as we learn about our next topic, Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.