Spring 1 - Once Upon a Time
This term we have been exploring Traditional Tales. We have enjoyed creating our very own beanstalks through a range of different media. We have painted the different characters from the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and enjoyed getting messy making our very own magic bean stew.
In our Maths this term we have be focusing on measuring and have enjoyed using the different resources to measure the Giant’s footprints. We have also been working on counting reliably up to 20!
We have continued with our work on the Chatterbox and the children’s speech and language skills are improving rapidly. We are becoming such confident communicators.
We have been very lucky to try some different foods this term as part of our work on Chinese New Year. We learnt all about what happens at this time and tried some noodles and prawn crackers. It was really delicious.
This term has also seen the introduction of some new children in the Nursery. The established children have been setting an excellent example, demonstrating the golden rules and developing good relationships with the new children. What an achievement!