Summer 1
This term the children have been little historians and they have been exploring and learning about the changes that have happened to toys. We have looked at toys the children play with, then explored the toys their parents might have played with and then explored toys their grandparents might have played with. We explored the similarities and differences between the toys in the present and in the past.
In RE the reception children have explored which place are special and why. In Year 1 the children have been looking at What does it mean to belong to a faith community? In music the children have explore a variety of instruments and explored different ways of playing them. They have been exploring the different notes some instruments make. In PSHE we have been learning all about relationships. In PE we developed our ball skills and practised using the racket.
We all enjoyed joining in with the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations, we dressed in red, white and blue, we completed some art work in class and we baked a cake. We loved the street party where we had our dinner outside then our grown-ups came to join us and we had ice cream and played games.
We hope you have a fantastic half term!