Autumn 2
This term Blue class topic has been about seasons and seasonal events.
In History we investigated the events of the Gunpowder Plot. We found out that some of the plotters had connections to Derbyshire. We also worked on activities related to the national commemorations marking 100 years of the ending of World War One. In Singing we enjoyed learning songs that people sang 100 years ago such as Pack up Your Troubles, Its a Long Way to Tipperary, When the Red Red Robin Comes Bob, Bob Bobbing, Daisy,Daisy and You are My Sunshine.
In class we made poppy wreaths and visited the cross at New Whittington where we held a minutes silence.
In Science we have been recording the events of the changing season - for example when we first saw a bare tree, when frost formed on the cars and pavements around school and when the daylight hours became shorter.
In Maths we have started learning our 2, 5 and 10 times tables and worked practically with money activities.
As part of P.E the Rugger Eds team have been teaching hockey skills this term and the children have improved on their swimming skills at the weekly swimming sessions. In November we enjoyed taking part in a gymnastics session with other local schools in the area at Whittington Green School - it was lots of fun and new skills were learnt.
As part of the Christmas activities we have talked about Advent and made Christingles out of oranges. We enjoyed a trip to the pantomime at the Pomegranate Theatre in Chesterfield to see Cinderella. For Christmas assembly Blue class performed Baboushka - a Christmas folk tale from Russia. The children enjoyed dressing up and acting it to parents, carers and the rest of the school.