Autumn 2 - Dinosaurs
This term we have really enjoyed being transported to the land of dinosaurs.
In literacy we read 'Dinosaur Drip' by Julia Donaldson. We used exciting adjectives to describe Tyrannosaurus Rex and Duckbill dinosaurs.
We explored story settings and used adjectives and the connective 'and' to describe different settings.
We really enjoyed another dinosaur book called 'Tyrone the Dirty Rotten Cheat'. We used the main events in the story to plan and write our own stories about a cheating dinosaur. We created our own dinosaur and setting then changed the problem, resolution and ending of the story. Finally we created a front cover for our stories so we became the author and the illustrator.
In Science we looked at the changes in seasons – focusing on Autumn and Winter.
We identified the changes that occur in these seasons, observed the weather and looked at the how our clothing changes from season to season.
Then we looked at how different animals adapt to survive the winter climate.
For our topic work we found out lots of different information about dinosaurs. We identified where in the world dinosaurs lived and by doing this we learnt some of the continents and oceans of the world.
We investigated fossils and created our own fossil.
In Design and Technology we looked at different moving picture techniques then we created our own moving picture of a dinosaur.
Finally in dance we used different body movements and sequences to create our own dinosaur dance moves.
Even though we have been so busy we still found time to rehearse for our Christmas concert – Christmas with the Aliens. We learnt 8 songs!
We have all enjoyed making all our Christmas crafts!
We created some very jazzy crowns for Christmas dinner and the Christmas party.
Happy Christmas!