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Whittington Moor Nursery and Infant Academy

Whittington MoorNursery and Infant Academy

We nurture, we thrive, we blossom.

Growth of every child.Respect by learning from each other.Opportunity for all.Wonder and curiosity.

Purple Class

What a busy half term this has been! Purple Class have made me feel so welcome! Our topic has been Zoom About! We have had great fun learning about transport, past and present. The children have designed there own futuristic modes of transport and have been thinking about how they will travel in the future. 

BATS day was a real success enjoyed by children and parents alike. We even created our own Monkey Puzzle display with the work created and designed on that day. In science we have been learning about different types of materials. We turned into mini scientists and investigated which material would create the best umbrella for our teddies!

In numeracy we have been working on place value and have been finding different ways of showing 1 and 2 digit numbers. Looking forward to exciting new challenges next half term.


Oh my goodness, what an exciting half term, the weeks have flown by!

Our topic this term was Australia and we have been busy learning all about the country. We started by looking at a map of Australia and finding special landmarks. We learned the names of all the Australian states and made posters in Literacy to advertise the country to tourists from abroad. We made Australian biscuits called Anzac biscuits and used what we learned to write our own recipes. They were delicious!

In Maths we have been learning all about weighing and measuring. We weighed objects using cubes on a balance scale and then ordered our items by weight. We looked at capacity and learned how to make a scale on a container.

We have also been learning to find 1 more and 1 less, 10 more and 10 less than a number to 100. We’re getting really good at this and don’t always need a hundred square to help us any more! We’re starting to look at fractions and are beginning to understand how to find half of an even number.

In Topic we have been finding out about compass directions and followed directions around the playground to find hidden treasure! We carried out fieldwork by making measurements outside and by seeing what physical and human features we could spot. We used the information to make a map of the playground, with a key to show us what the symbols meant.

For Science this term, we have been learning about the different Seasons. We have looked at the changes in weather and talked about the different clothes we need to wear at different times of the year. We found out how trees change throughout the year and learned how to stay safe in the sun in Summer.

In ICT we are starting to understand that algorithms are sets of instructions. We used the app ‘Scratch Junior’ to make our own algorithms to make characters move around the screen.

In Art and Design we looked at Australian dot art and used the technique to make our own pictures. We were inspired by Aboriginal Art to create our own designs for a t-shirt, wallpaper or fabric.

We have had a very busy first term. Learning lots of new and exciting things and having lots of fun!

In literacy we have read two traditional stories; Jack and the Beanstalk and Cinderella. We have made predictions about the story, described the settings and the characters. We made magic bean biscuits with Mrs Williams and then learnt how to write the recipe. Drama is a great way to help us to remember a story so we used hot seating and freeze frames to help us write a story retell. We received a letter from one of the ugly sisters to Cinderella saying she was sorry. We pretended to be Cinderella and wrote a letter back to the ugly sister. We thought Cinderella would probably forgive her ugly sister and maybe she would invite her to her wedding to Prince Charming. Using our knowledge of the traditional stories we compared them in our groups.

In science we have looked at humans and many different animals. We labelled parts of our bodies and found out which parts of our bodies are linked to each of the five senses. As part of a Science sense investigation we became sense detectives. Using our 5 senses we investigated which was the lost teddy by measuring footprints, tasting food, feeling fabrics, listening for sounds and using our sense of smell. We also labelled animal body parts and learnt which animals are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. We used our knowledge to sort animals into a Venn diagram.

In art we have been looking at Self Portraits. We created our own self portrait, learning exactly whereabouts the different parts of our face are placed. We then created abstract portraits in the style of Picasso, line drawings in the style of Matisse and pop art portraits in the style of Andy Warhol.

In geography we looked at different maps and discussed what we see on our own journey to school. We drew a map of the features we see on our way to school. We created our own family tree. We brought in our own favourite toys and compared their features with toys from the past.

We had a fantastic BATS day, making super Jack and the Beanstalk pictures!

We are looking forward to our next topic which will be Australia.