Autumn 1
Curriculum Plan
What a fantastic start to the year in blue class! We had so much fun being back in the classroom and learning with hands on experiences. In literacy the children delved into the book ‘Snow White in New York’ and explored lots of different ideas surrounding this story. Such as the setting, all of the different characters feelings, making predictions, writing speech and so on. They then wrote their own version of the story and they turned out amazing. In maths we’ve been focusing lots on place value in tens and hundreds and also number bonds. In science we became investigators, looking at properties of different materials. We conducted the bouncy ball experiment, the egg shell experiment, the waterproof experiment and the elasticity experiment. This then led the children to design their very own product, using the best materials. In music the children created their very own bands, learning all about rhythm, pulse and beat. They also composed their own lyrics to the song and we performed these in front of each other and Miss Kay. In geography the children explored all about maps and how to read map using compass directions. They also drew a bird’s eye view map of our school grounds and created their own key. We started to look at Atlases and explore how we use them in everyday life. In R.E we explored the question ‘Who is a Muslim and what do they believe?’ and in PSHE we looked at what it means for us to have rights and how we can respect people’s rights. This half term has been packed full of fun in blue class. We very ready for a break, but can’t wait to start all over again after half term. Have a lovely break and I’ll see you soon!