Autumn 1 - Once Upon A Time
What a busy first term in Year 1 for Yellow Class! Our first topic for the year was ‘Once Upon a Time’. In literacy we looked at traditional tales and alternative versions of them, we rewrote them, sequenced them, predicted what the characters would do next and described our own beans using fabulous adjectives. In our home corner we had lots of story books and puppets to act out the stories using the puppet theatre. In science we discussed the materials that the three little pigs would use to build a house and had a go at creating our own houses and also planted beans to see if they would grow to the clouds. In art and DT we painted our own beans, made character puppets, painted our topic front covers and designed and made a device to help Rapunzel escape the tower and had great fun testing them by lowering her out of the classroom window. In maths we have looked at place value, through ordering numbers, recognising one more and one less, and greater and fewer. We have just begun to look at addition and subtraction and are starting to add by counting on. In geography we sorted the features of a town and the countryside to see where we think the Little Pigs lived. On Dot day we each chose a colour to create our own dot to join the display in the school entrance. Finally, on BATS day, lots of grown-ups filled Yellow Class and the hall to help us to use our design and technology skills to design, create and evaluate our own Billy Goats Gruff moving picture. Now we are all ready for a rest!