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Whittington Moor Nursery and Infant Academy

Whittington MoorNursery and Infant Academy

We nurture, we thrive, we blossom.

Growth of every child.Respect by learning from each other.Opportunity for all.Wonder and curiosity.

British Values

Promoting Values for Life in Modern Britain  


The Department of Education introduced a statutory duty for schools to promote British Values more actively from September 2014 and to ensure they are taught effectively in schools. Although this is something which is developing in its significance for schools, it is not something new at Whittington Moor Nursery and Infant Academy. We prepare children for life in modern Britain by upholding and teaching children about values in much of what we do.


The ethos and work of our school ensure that the British Values of Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs are introduced, discussed and followed.  Curriculum areas are broad and balanced to provide opportunities for furthering understanding of these concepts and to deepen and develop the spiritual, moral, social and cultural education of our children.


At Whittington Moor Nursery and Infant Academy these values are regularly promoted through high quality teaching, a varied programme of whole school assemblies and a positive behaviour policy allowing pupils to develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully and contribute positively to life in modern Britain. We value the ethnic backgrounds of all our pupils and families and undertake a variety of events and lessons to celebrate and explore these alongside other cultures in our country.


Our school makes efforts to ensure children have exposure to a wide experience beyond their local community during which these concepts are shown, through for example, sporting events and range of school visits.


At Whittington Moor Nursery and Infant Academy we value the voice of the child and promote democratic processes through our School Council and Class Cup. Our Mini-Leaders and House Captains lead other children in activities and we expect all of our children to be good role models for each other, which are encouraged through high expectations of behaviour.