Spring 1 - Hola
We have enjoyed another fantastic half term in blue class! With a flight to Spain to kick start our Spanish theme, this gave the children a real sense of excitement to explore all about Spain. In literacy the children wrote letters all about ‘A Day in the Life at Gilberts’ to send to a school in Spain. They also created an information booklet all about Spain, including information about their food, clothes, weather and celebrations. We explored Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali in literacy and created a biography all about them. The children also created some descriptive writing all about a visit to Spain. Finally, we looked at Mexico and compared this with Spain. In geography we learned a huge amount about similarities and differences between England and Spain, such as the weather and how the equator plays a role in this. We also explored the world’s seven continents and five oceans! The children loved the continent song to help them remember. We also explored physical and human features in England and finally compared Spain and Mexico. In science we looked at plants and what they need to grow and stay healthy. We grew plants indoor and outdoor and have been checking up on these throughout the half term. The children learned all about the lifecycle of a plant, what they need to stay healthy, what key parts of a plant are called. We even walked around the school grounds to identify common plants in England. In art and design the children looked at two Spanish artists, Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso. They copied a picture by one of their choosing, either ‘The weeping woman’ or ‘The persistence of memory’. We then developed art skills over the past six weeks, such as exploring using different pencils for different thickness, using dots and lines to create texture and using coloured pencils to create tone. The children then re-drew the picture and the results were amazing. On top of all that the children have been taking part in Fab-Fridays, where they have been either baking, dancing, learning French, being scientists, creating their own vehicles or exploring the gardens around our school! Wow, another jam-packed half-term. We’re all ready for a rest!