Spring 2 - To Infinity and Beyond
This term our topic has been Superheroes and in our home corner we have been creating our own super stories, using props and characters. In Literacy we have created our own superheroes and villains and then wrote a story about their adventures. We also wrote and followed instructions to make Mr Potato Head. In Art we made a mask for our superhero and looked at Pop Art created by Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein and in DT we made our own versions of ‘Supertato’ characters using potatoes, carrots and parsnips and yummy pizzas. In RE we looked at the Easter story and the different days that Christians celebrate over the Easter period. In Numeracy, we have been measuring length and height using rulers, capacity using a range of containers and mass using scales. In computing we used a green screen to create news reports on famous people we have learnt about in history The Wright Brothers, Amelia Earhart and Neil Armstrong. We had lots of whole school events such as Mother’s day lunch, Easter egg roll, dressing up in red clothes for Comic Relief and dressing up again on World Book Day as different book characters. We had fun visiting all the different classes and completing activities based round the books, Alice in Wonderland, Jack and the Beanstalk and Chinese poetry. To complete our topic we had ‘Superhero’ day at the Rainbow factory! We met Supergirl who read us a story, we made a shield and then had superhero training. After hunting for the power gems through the assault course it was time for lunch. Batman arrived and we made saltdough characters, had training how to defend ourselves and then finally made a superhero comic. What a fun day we all had!