Spring 2
What another fantastic term in Birch Class! In literacy we focused on the following books; Perfectly Norman and Pigs Might Fly. We then looked at how we compose a simple sentence using a picture as a prompt. The children also loved dressing up for World Book Day and taking part in the various activities across school.
In maths we have continued to look at subitising, counting in order, grouping of numbers and finally how numbers are composed. We have focused on the numbers 6,7,8 and looking at the concept of 5 and a bit e.g. 8 = 5 + 3. We explored double numbers and equal and unequal groups of numbers. We also looked at how to sort odd and even numbers by their shape.
In our understanding the world lessons, we have been learning all about farming and how farming has changed. The children even had a go at milking a cow by hand. Well, technically not a real cow, but they loved the activity where they had to try and squeeze water through a rubber glove, representing a cow’s udders. We looked at what animals you might find on a farm, where our food comes from and farming machinery past and present.
In RE, we learnt about what it means to be a good friend, who Jesus’ friends were and how Jesus was a good friend to others. We have also continued working on our Personal, Social and Emotion development through circle times and stories. We’ve explored lots of different topics this term including; how we make healthy food choices, why it’s important to be physically active and how we can keep ourselves and others safe.
In PE our focus this term was on dance. The children looked at how they move using different parts of their bodies, how they move in response to words and music and how they can create their own dance movements to perform to others. Our artist of the term was the Georgia O’Keeffe. The children decorated flowers inspired by the artist. Finally, we had our fantastic Easter Bonnet Parade, Egg hunt, Egg roll and Easter Disco.
Thank you again for your continued support.