Autumn 1 - Memory Box
What a busy first term in Year 1 for Yellow Class! Our first topic for the year was ‘Memory Box’. We had a Victorian museum home corner, looked at the history of toys comparing the toys we have now, to the toys Miss Corbett and Miss Clarke had as children and to the ones the Victorians would have had. To make our topic come to life we had Don and Kathryn come in for an amazing toy workshop. We got to create our own toys and even had the chance to use a hammer and drill. In literacy we then wrote thank you letters to Don and Kathryn to thank them for such a memorable day. Also in literacy we looked at traditional and fairy tales, we rewrote them, acted them out and described different characters using fabulous adjectives. As well as having our home corner in Yellow Class we also got to use the Purple Class home corner which this term was a Doctor’s surgery and opticians we could use our writing skills to fill in the forms ready to give to the doctor. In computing we have been learning how to give instructions in the correct order to create an algorithm. This meant we had to give each other or a Bee Bot instructions and make sure they are in the correct order, to ‘debug’ them if they didn’t work and how to use out write the instructions for our partner to follow. In art we have learnt different techniques to create portraits using line drawing, collage to create an abstract portrait or colouring in different colours to create a range of emotions. On Music day we continued our work on traditional stories and retold ‘The Enormous Turnip’ using a range of instruments for the different characters. Finally on BATS day lots of grown-ups filled Yellow Class and the hall to help us to use our design and technology skills to create a gingerbread man slider and a turning wheel to show the wolf getting bigger as he tried to sneak up on Little Red Riding Hood. Now we are all ready for a rest!