Summer 1
This term in Maple Class in English we have been using a fiction book The Train Ride to write our own stories about what we can see through the train window. We also worked very hard to write and perform our class assembly in which, we wanted to include as much of our learning as possible. We really enjoyed deciding what we wanted to include and what we were going to say about it. The best parts were practising and performing it for everyone. In maths we have been focusing on fractions recognising and finding half and a quarter of a shape and of an amount. We have used different methods to find the answers including making bread and butter to cut into halves and quarters. In geography we have been learning about human and physical features. We learned the difference between the two and identified many human and physical features of our immediate school environment, of Chesterfield and of the world. In science we have been learning about plants, recapping what plants are, including flowers, trees and all vegetation. We have been learning about the different parts of a plant, naming a variety of garden and wild flowers, learning the difference between evergreen and deciduous trees and what pollen is and what it does. We really enjoyed naming fruits and vegetables because we had a great tasting session. Some we likes (pineapple, pomegranate, mango... and some we did not! Radish, avocado, grapefruit!) In RE we have been learning about how Jewish people and Muslims show that they belong to their communities, including their wedding ceremonies and traditions, artefacts and symbols of both faiths and then comparing this to Christian weddings and traditions. In PSHE we have been talking about relationships, how families are all different, how we make friends and what we expect 'friendship' behaviours to be like. We have also thought about how we greet each other and different types of physical contact that we may find appropriate and what to say to physical contact we do not like. In computing we have been having a great time programming the Bee Bots. We have identified the directional buttons and planned out routes for the robots to take to get to a certain place. We then linked this to plotting algorithms for each other to follow. In PE we have been working on dance sequences by making movements like superheroes and villains. We put movements together and thought about how to transition from one movement to the other. We also played lots of games in teams to learn more about teambuilding and game strategy. In art have been learning all about sculpture. We looked at sculptures from the Yorkshire Sculpture Park. We used various techniques including joining, moulding, cutting, sticking, pressing and squeezing to create a variety of pieces using a variety of media but mostly in clay. We were able to showcase our sculptures during our class assembly. Our artist of the term was Salvador Dali and we paired up a phone with another object to make an unusual pair and our music genres have been R ‘n’ B for April and Rock ’n’ Roll for May. The term we also had our special tea party to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles and we created flower paintings and made crowns. We have had another very busy half-term!