Autumn 1
What a great start the children have had in Birch Class. The children have settled in quickly and the Year 1 children have set a great example of how to follow the Whittington Moor Rules. We have been developing our communication and language this term by learning new vocabulary and having lots of opportunities to talk and extend our sentences. We have learnt how to be a good friend and what it means to be a good friend. We discussed different feelings and talked about when you might feel different emotions. The children loved performing their Harvest Songs at the Church and they all put on a fantastic performance. In PE we have loved having Mr Oxspring teach us ball skills, we have developed our control over the ball by rolling, throwing and catching. We have had lots of fun playing different games that develop these skills like messy bedrooms and partner work. We even practised using the tennis rackets and hitting the ball over the tennis net. Our artist of the term was Frida Kahlo and we created art work inspired by her Viva La Vida Watermelon picture. We have enjoyed our investigation time in the classroom and outdoors.