Summer 2
This final term in Maple Class in English we have been writing a travel journal about our visit to The Yorkshire Wildlife Park. We though about our first impressions of the park, and our 'best bits'. Many of us thought the smell of the giraffes would be an 'unforgettable moment'. We also researched and wrote about some of the animals that that live there including giraffes and rhinos. In maths we have looked at money, specifically identifying all of the British coins and notes. We also looked at time. We learned days of the week, months of the year and the order in which they come. We also worked with lots of numbers 50-100. In PSHE we have been talking about changes – changes in our body, changes as we grow and change and how we can cope with changes. In music we have been learning to clap beats and look for the steady pulse in the songs. We learned lots of new songs linking them to PHSE. And in computing we have been using the Scratch Jr app to create our own animations and in E-Safety we have been learning about copyright rules. In PE we have been developing ball skills, specifically racket skills and kicking. We learned to aim and use a racket correctly to hit a ball with appropriate force. We had to kick (dribble) balls of varying sizes around obstacles and defending against attacking partners. In DT we have been learning to sew and have been able to make and cut a pattern to make a finger puppet before sewing it together. As part of our 20 things journals we learned to sew a button onto our puppets for detail. In science we have been finding out all about how water freezes to make ice and how it melts to turn back into water again. We planned a whole school picnic and wrote a list of items we would need for it to go in our 20 things journals. Our artist of the term was Andy Goldsworthy and we created temporary art using leaves from the natural environment. We hope you all have a wonderful summer and have fun in Year 2!