Spring 2
This term in Maple Class we have continued to have Science as a focus and learnt about animals including humans and habitats. Year 1 have sorted animals into the groups and learnt what animals eat if they are an herbivore, carnivore or omnivore. Year 2 have used laptops and search engines to research animals and created food chains. We found about Carl Linnaeus and how he created the system to group plants and animals that is still used today. In English we have been writing instructions after we made bird feeders last term and then completed our final writing piece instructions of how to make a den. In forest school we made our own dens and habitats for animals. In maths Year 1 having been measuring length using cm and rulers, mass using scales to compare the weights and found out the difference between capacity and volume when measuring liquids. Year 2 have been learning about statistics and creating tall charts and pictograms to record information as well as finding out the properties of 3D shapes. In RE Year 1 have been learning about Easter and how Easter is celebrated and Year 2 learnt about how Jewish people celebrate. Our artist of the term was Piet Mondrian and we coloured our own versions of his working using only the primary colours red, blue and yellow. In PSHE we have been talking about being healthy and how we can be healthy by thinking about what we eat and how we can relax. Our home corner had lots of real food in this term and we could juice, chop, grate and cut up the foods ourselves. Our curiosity crate was all about Spring and we could compare it to the other seasons we have had. In PE we have been learning how to attack and defend in team games. We also had our class assembly and everyone got to tell our families about our learning. We finished off the term with a fabulous Easter service where the Year 2 children played the glockenspiels, an Easter disco and an Easter egg roll and finally a design technology day where we became engineers and designers and worked in teams to make a device what would protect an egg if it was dropped from a height. What a busy term!