Summer 1 - Minibeasts!
We have had a short but busy term learning about minibeasts this term! We started our term by looking at The Very Hungry Caterpillar and the children wrote some amazing shopping lists for the caterpillar to use so he knows what to eat. We did some wonderful art work surrounding the very hungry caterpillar including looking at the symmetry of their wings. We then focussed more on non-fiction texts and started gathering facts surrounding different minibeasts. Once we had all the information we wanted, we started writing facts about a chosen minibeast. We got creative and designed our own minibeasts in the third week of term and named them as a new species in the world – we had names such as – tigerbeetle, tocobug, fruitelbird and gagel. In Maths this term, we have been concentrating on addition and subtraction. The children have been learning new skills to help them with this including using number lines to jump backwards and forwards.
Have a lovely half term!