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Whittington Moor Nursery and Infant Academy

Whittington MoorNursery and Infant Academy

We nurture, we thrive, we blossom.

Growth of every child.Respect by learning from each other.Opportunity for all.Wonder and curiosity.

Summer 1

In this half of the summer term we have been getting on with lots of fun learning. 


In Maths we have been measuring length to see how long and wide various objects are.  We used non-standard measures (cubes) and standard measures (cm) we learned how to measure correctly using a ruler.  We compared different measures to each other using vocabulary such as longer/shorter and wider/narrower.  We also measured mass (weight) on balance scales to see how many cubes different objects weighed.  We compared mass using vocabulary such as heavier/lighter.  We also investigated capacity and volume and learned that capacity is how much a container can hold in total and volume is how much is in a container.  E.g full, empty, nearly full and nearly empty.  In multiplication and division we counted in 2s, 5s and 10s.  We used arrays to find equal groups and used sharing circles to make equal groups from a whole.  We moved onto fractions where we learned that a fraction is an equal part of a whole.  We found that 2 equal parts are called halves and four equal parts are called quarters.


In English we have been writing stories based on @the Queen’s Hat by Steve Antony.  We set wrote our own sentences based on the adventure and chose various London landmarks for the hat to blow to.  We than started writing our own stories about King Charles losing his dog and chasing him all over London.  He eventually found the Corgi in Hyde park, though some children chose a different ending place of their own. We used lots of strategies to make our writing more interesting to read such as, similes to compare the landmarks to different things, WOW vocabulary some suggested by Granny Fantastic and some of our own ideas.  We also used onomatopoeia to make sound effects.


In P.E we have been looking at how to create dance movements based on superheroes.   We used our bodies and facial expressions to create sequences and movements as superheroes and villains.  We also learned about team building and what it takes to work together effectively.  We took part in activities to optimise communication, co-operation and trust.


In Computing we have been learning how to programme a moving robot.  We have used Bee Bots to predict which commands are needed to move a robot from a starting place to a chosen finishing point.  We then programmed the robots to see if they did indeed run effectively using those commands.  We learned that a set of instructions are called an ‘algorithm’ and that if there is a mistake in the algorithm we need to correct this by ‘de-bugging’ the commands.


In RE we have been learning about how Jewish people and Muslims show their belonging to their faith.  We looked at Muslim and Jewish weddings, the Jewish time of rest (Shabbat) and how Jewish people care for their community.


In science we have been learning about plants.  We have named the parts of the plants and have learn how each part of the plant helps it to function and grow.  We learned about garden and wild plants, finding out that garden plants are planted by humans and wild plants grow without needing human assistance.  We named different types of each and identified some in our local area.  We learned what deciduous and evergreen trees are and identified some types of each, including oak, sycamore and birch being deciduous and holly, fir and pine being evergreen.  We identified some trees in our local area.  We also re-planted our sunflowers outside.  We learned that they can now survive better in the spring temperatures so it is safe for them to be planted outside.


In geography we have been learning about the weather and what to expect in the four different UK seasons.  We learned different weather symbols and what a weather forecast can tell us.  We then went on to make our own weather forecasts using green screen technology.  We learned how to prepare for the weather using a forecast and we looked at hot and cold places around the world especially around the Equator and North and South Poles.


In Art and Design we have been learning about sculpting.  We used The Yorkshire Sculpture park as inspiration and made our own using junk modelling, play-dough and pipe-cleaners, and clay.

In Music we have been learning about ‘Pitch and Tempo’.  We learned that ‘pitch’ is how high or low sounds are and ‘tempo’ refers to the speed of the music.  We identified the pitch and tempo in pieces of music and created our own musical rhythms with changing pitch and tempo.


In PSHE we have been learning about relationships.  We looked at who we have a relationship with including family, friends, school and the community.  We though about how we greet each other, how different people help us and how we make new friends.  We discussed what it is like to be a good friend and how we like others to treat us fairly and with respect.


As you can see, this half term has been very busy but it has also been fantastic!