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Whittington Moor Nursery and Infant Academy

Whittington MoorNursery and Infant Academy

We nurture, we thrive, we blossom.

Growth of every child.Respect by learning from each other.Opportunity for all.Wonder and curiosity.

Spring 2

We have had another lovely and busy half term. The children really have been working hard woodpeckers. We have loved doing gymnastics in PE working on our moving, balancing and rolling. In Maths we have been learning to represent numbers in different ways, subitising, and exploring 3D shapes. In computing we have been using the Ipads to take photos of the things we have made or played with. We had lots of fun exploring different textures with our feet and creating habitats for animals. We have celebrated World Book Day and Red Nose day. We also made cornflake buns to learn about the processes of heating up the chocolate to melt it and how it cools down. We have also loved getting ready for Easter by doing our egg roll and egg drop. 


Have a lovely Easter break and we will see you back in Nursery on Monday 25th April!