Spring 1
This term our class topic has been all about homes.
We began by going outside to draw some detailed pencil sketches of the row of terraced, stone cottages at the rear of our school. We then set up an `old house` full of household objects from the last 100 years and investigated what the objects were used for and what we now use today - e.g. the candle, candlestick and snuffer has now been replaced by electric lights.
As part of our science work we investigated what materials the different household objects were made from and looked at if they can be recycled. We found out that using too much plastic that cannot easily be recycled is polluting our environment and is a danger to wildlife.
In literacy we have read the stories of Katie Morag and her Island of Struay and used them as a basis for our own island stories. As part of art we designed new tartan patterns for Katie Morag`s Scottish kilt.
In Maths we have investigated shape. We looked at nets and used them - cube and square based pyramid - to construct houses models of houses to show in our end of term class assembly.