Spring 1 - Animal Art Attack
We have had a very busy term focusing on Animals and Art!
In literacy we explored the fiction book 'Zoo'. We made predictions about the story by looking at the front cover for clues. Then we retold the story by putting pictures in the correct order. After that we created a story map to help us retell the story. Finally we retold the story in our own words using adjectives and connectives to make our sentences more exciting.
Then we explored the Internet and non-fiction books for information on African animals, jungle animals, farm animals and pets. We have written lists, captions, labelled drawings, compared different animals using our own criteria and used exciting adjectives to describe animals.
Finally we created our own class non-fiction book about all the animals we had learnt about. We wrote exciting facts and labelled drawings.
We have tried really hard with our weekly spelling and have made lots of progress.
In science we have been investigating materials. We looked at many different objects and learnt the materials that they are made from. We now know the difference between object and material. We had a hunt round the classroom and the school to find different objects made from wood, plastic, metal and glass. Then we sorted different objects into the materials they are made from. Finally we used all our knowledge of materials to conduct an experiment. Class teddy needed a new umbrella but we needed to test which materials were waterproof to see if they would be suitable to use for his umbrella. We made predictions, carried out a fair test and gathered the information to make a conclusion.
In Art we have looked at a variety of different sculptors from around the world. We explored their work and learnt facts about them. We were influenced by them to create our own sculpture designs. We completed our work by creating group sculptures influenced by the sculptors we had been learning about. We used cardboard boxes and kitchen roll tubes to create abstract sculptures of animals.
In History we looked at the life and work of many different artists including Vincent Van Gogh, Leonardo Da Vinci and Henri Matisse. We compared their lives, where they lived, what they wore and their artwork. We used the internet to help us and we made a fact sheet.
We all really enjoyed BATS day! We created our own animal pictures influenced by 'The Snail' by Matisse. They were so good we have them on display in the classroom.
We celebrated Chinese New Year (The year of the Rooster) and we made some jazzy Chinese dragons.
In Geography we looked at the continent of Africa and we named 2 oceans. We also looked at the Big 5 animals that are found in Africa.
Then we located different countries on a map of the world and stuck on pictures of animals where they can be found in the world.
We are really looking forward to our next terms topic; Food, glorious food!'