Gilberts Bank Holiday Update
Dear Parents / Carers,
Our amazing staff have been in touch with all of our children, and families, over the past few weeks and we are so pleased to share that everyone is well, happy and doing their best using Gilbert’s @ home for their learning. Even though the Gilbert’s family is not together, it is fantastic to hear that we are all supporting our children as best we can.
VE Day Bank Holiday
We hope that you are looking forward to the Bank Holiday weekend and the VE Day celebrations. Even though it may not be the weekend you originally planned for this occasion, the sun is due to shine, so that will lift our spirits as we all remember this historic event. If the children have made or done anything for this event please share it with us on our twitter page, we would love to see it.
Gilbert’s @ Home will continue to support your children over the forthcoming weeks and staff are adding new work to their class pages as ‘normal’ each day. Please be aware that there will be no work set for the VE Bank Holiday.
Retirement is calling for Mrs Bashford, our amazing Teaching Assistant, who will be leaving Gilbert’s at the end of this month to concentrate on her many hobbies, doggies and family loves. She will be greatly missed at school and although we are currently in the midst of a school closure, we would like to show her the love and appreciation that we would normally say good bye with and for this we need your help.
This is secret so please keep this quiet as Mrs Bashford does not know this part…. Please can children make her a goodbye / thank you card / picture and send it to school either via the post or drop it in on your daily walk. Miss Corbett is going to collate all these and share them with her on her last week in school.
Gilbert’s Return
As you will be aware, the Government is due to announce this weekend, a phased plan for the removal of the country’s lockdown. As of yet, we do not know what this will mean for schools.
What we do know is that when the school’s announcement is made, it will take some time to adjust and put plans into place, so please bear with us in the forthcoming days OR weeks. We will keep you as up to date and informed as much as possible. Until then, Gilbert’s will continue to follow the current DFE Covid-19 Guidance for schools.
Contact details
Please use the email to keep us informed of any concerns, worries or questions. You can also contact the school office each morning and if needed you can leave a message, someone will get back to you.
There is also a new link on the school website under the PARENT section called SUPPORT DURING COVID-19. Under this page is a range of information and local services you can contact for support. Please take a look at this.
Don’t forget the school twitter @gilbertinfant page to share pictures and work to keep our spirits up. We will get through this and be together again very soon.
Look after each other,
Joanne Mappin