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Whittington Moor Nursery and Infant Academy

Whittington MoorNursery and Infant Academy

We nurture, we thrive, we blossom.

Growth of every child.Respect by learning from each other.Opportunity for all.Wonder and curiosity.

September 2020 arrangements

Dear Parents/Carers


Thank you once again for your support during recent times. The school and trust have been working through the guidance and I am now in a position to update you on the reopening of Gilbert’s for ALL children in September 2020. Guidance is subject to change, therefore, please note that these plans could be subject to change and sometimes at very short notice. I will outline the key points below but please read the full parent guidance which is located under support during COVID-19 Arrangements for September 2020.

  • School will open on 3rd September (2nd September is an INSET day)
  • On the 3rd and 4th September the children will return to their PREVIOUS class. This will enable the children to come back to a familiar setting and ease any anxieties over the Summer holidays.
  • Current Year 2 Pupils will NOT return and will attend their new school when it opens.
  • Children will spend the two days in their old classrooms before a gentle move on the afternoon of the 4th September. They will exit from their new classroom and start in their new class officially on Monday 7th September.
  • All NEW STARTERS in Reception and Nursery will start at Gilbert’s on Monday 7th September
  • Children will be in one of two bubbles, either EYFS (Nursery and Reception) or Key Stage 1 ( Year 1 and Year 2).
  • They will remain in these bubbles for the whole day.
  • Staff are now allowed to move between bubbles but this will be limited where possible
  • There will continue to be staggered start and finish times which are explained in the full parent guidance.
  • Only 1 parent will be allowed to drop off and collect.
  • The school office is closed to parents. Please continue to contact us via telephone or email
  • There will be no breakfast club at the start of the term due to the mixing of bubbles, however this will continue to be reviewed.
  • Additional buy back Nursery sessions will be suspended for September. This will also continue to be reviewed.
  • Children of compulsory school age will be expected to attend school.
  • Children can bring a book bag, PE kit and coat only and lunch box if they do so normally.
  • We anticipate school meals to resume from 3rd September
  • The curriculum will be broad and balanced with a huge emphasis on the mental health and well-being of the children.


Thank you again for your patience and the understanding that these plans could again change


Miss Kay