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Whittington Moor Nursery and Infant Academy

Whittington MoorNursery and Infant Academy

We nurture, we thrive, we blossom.

Growth of every child.Respect by learning from each other.Opportunity for all.Wonder and curiosity.

Information - Confirmed Covid-19 Case

Dear Parents / Carers,


    Following on from the text you received today, this letter is to state Gilbert Heathcote School has had a confirmed case of Covid-19, please find below some additional information.


The confirmation comes from a precautionary test that was advised by NHS 111, due to a member of staff feeling unwell at home. They were not displaying any symptoms of Covid -19.


School has reacted swiftly to implement the guidance for this situation, all parents have been contacted and any potentially contaminated areas have been deep cleaned in line with our risk assessments and guidance documents. 


I have contacted, notified and sought additional advice from the following people/organisations:


•          The CEO of Cavendish Learning Trust

•          The Chair of Trustees for Cavendish Learning Trust

•          Department for Education

•          Public Health England

•          Derbyshire County Council

•          Parents of children also in school


If you are concerned about your child and the symptoms of Covid -19, please seek advice from your GP, NHS Direct or by calling NHS 111.


Please don't hesitate to contact school if you have any questions, via the school phone number or the  email address.


Thank you for your continued support,


Joanne Mappin

Executive Headteacher