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Whittington Moor Nursery and Infant Academy

Whittington MoorNursery and Infant Academy

We nurture, we thrive, we blossom.

Growth of every child.Respect by learning from each other.Opportunity for all.Wonder and curiosity.

Letter from the Chair of Cavendish Learning Trust

Dear Parent / Carer,


Re:  Reopening Schools and Other Educational Establishments


I am writing to you on behalf of the Trustees of the Cavendish Learning Trust in response to the Government’s decision to partially reopen schools from the 1st June 2020.


As I am sure you are aware, the situation in relation to COVID 19 changes on a daily basis and the Trustees have followed all of the information and advice provided by the Government in relation to the reopening of the schools within the Trust. 


The latest information for parents/carers is available on the link below:


The schools will continue to provide provision for the children of critical workers and vulnerable children as is currently the case.  


The Trustees have agreed that there will be a three-phase approach to the wider opening of the schools in the Trust:


Phase 1:

  • Ensure the site is fully prepared for re-opening in line with Government Guidance. 
  • Risk assessments are fully completed in line with Government and Derbyshire County Council advice.
  • Staff familiarisation meetings to ensure that all necessary safeguards are in place.


Phase 2:

  • Induction meetings with individual/small groups of children to discuss concerns in relation to returning to school and the protocols that will need to be followed.


Phase 3:

  • Children return to school in small ‘bubbles’ of no more than 15.
  • ‘Bubbles’ will be allocated time slots to attend during the school week, meaning that they will not be in school every day, all day.


The timing and implementation of this phased approach will be different depending on the individual circumstances of each school.  It is important to note that Trustees has agreed that Phase 2 should only start if the ‘Local ‘R’ rate’ (infection rate) is below 1.


The specific details in relation to Gilbert Heathcote Nursery and Infant School are detailed in:


The Phased Reopening of Gilbert’s – A Letter and Parents Guide


(Mrs Mappin is currently writing this – she hopes to share as soon as possible, we are still awaiting DFE guidance for EYFS)


Detailed risk assessments that have been carried out at each individual school and a brief summary of what is covered in each one:


General Risk Assessment

  • Ensuring relevant information and guidance is shared with children, parents and staff.
  • Precautionary measures to prevent transmission
  • Social Distancing
  • Provision capacity based on high demand
  • Staff and children’s’ well-being
  • Dealing with any individual who develops symptoms
  • Dealing with confirmed cases
  • Hygiene provision and effective cleaning


Operational Risk Assessment (Specific to the needs of each school)

  • Ensuring social distancing in classrooms, social times and at the start and end of the session
  • Parents dropping off and collecting students from site
  • Emotional distress of children
  • Personal hygiene
  • Cleaning requirements


Caretaking and Cleaning Risk Assessment

  • Risk of exposure when cleaning and working with others
  • Cross-contamination
  • Using new chemicals and products


Using Cleaning Materials

  • Detailed information about how to use all products safely


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Information for staff on how and when to use PPE


If any parent/carer would like to see a full copy of the risk assessments, please contact the Headteacher at your child’s school.


As part of the re-opening process, it is important to note the following:


  • Home-School Agreement – You will be asked to sign a home-school agreement as part of allowing your child to return to school.  This will also include information in relation to the behaviour expectations.


  • School Uniform – Children will not be expected to wear school uniform.


  • Parental Contact – Parents will not be allowed onto the school premises unless collecting children at the agreed times.  When this happens, social distancing must be observed.  If this does not happen, parents will be asked to leave the site.


  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – PPE will only be worn by staff in line with the risk assessments that have been completed.


  • Social Distancing – This will be implemented on all school sites both during classroom-based activities and social times.  This will be in line with the completed risk assessments.


  • Requesting a Place – If a parent initially did not want their child to return to school but changes their mind, they will need to give the Headteacher 5 working days’ notice.  This is to give sufficient time to assess the impact additional children would have on the provision being offered.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support.



Yours faithfully,


Barbara Walsh


Barbara Walsh

Chair of Trustees

Cavendish Learning Trust